Public Safety & Fire Rescue

Departments / Public Safety & Fire Rescue


Non-Emergency Calls


Emergency Calls

Dial 911

The Ocean Reef Public Safety Department is a multi-function organization providing security, emergency medical, and fire services to the Ocean Reef community. Public Safety is equipped with a communications dispatch center for 911 and non-emergency calls, three advanced life support (ALS) ambulances, one ladder truck and one pumper truck, one patrol boat, one 10 Meter Fire-Rescue Boat, and multiple patrol cars, each equipped with automated electronic defibrillators (AED’s).

The Ocean Reef Public Safety Department also manages the Front Gate and Welcome Center. Officers assigned to the Front Gate and Welcome Center are responsible for ensuring that all members, guests, and employees gaining access to Ocean Reef have proper clearance. Background checks for contractors, workers, and employees working in Ocean Reef are also performed by the Welcome Center staff.

Security / Front Gate

Residents and Visitors entering Ocean Reef by land must enter through the Front Gate. Our computerized entry system and professional staff ensure that only authorized personnel are allowed onsite, 24 hours a day. Residents may preauthorize expected visitors by calling the Front Gate, or by utilizing the automated clearance system. Contractors doing work onsite are restricted to set hours, which vary based on the time of year.

Front Gate


Automated Clearance System


Welcome Center

The Welcome Center is located in the building next to the Front Gate. The welcome center issues identification cards for employees and contractors entering Ocean Reef and maintains insurance and licensing information on all companies. Companies wishing to do business at Ocean Reef must comply with a set of requirements. More information can be found by clicking on the link below or by contacting the Welcome Center at 305-367-4418 between 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Welcome Center


Fire Rescue

Located in the ORCA Public Safety Building is Ocean Reef Fire Station 26, the northernmost fire station in Monroe County, FL (the Florida Keys). Fire Station 26 houses one E-One Fire Engine, one E-One 75’ Aerial Ladder / Pumper (a “Quint”), three advanced life support Rescue Ambulances, a Shift Commander SUV, and a 10-meter MetalCraft Fire/Security Boat. The most recent addition to the fleet is a new, custom-built ambulance and a multi-purpose Rapid Intervention Vehicle. 

The ORCA Fire-Rescue Department response jurisdiction includes not only Ocean Reef but also Key Largo Angler’s Club, and several miles of Route 905 and Card Sound Road. We are 11 miles from the closest fire station, which is Station 25 in Key Largo. Services provided by ORCA Fire-Rescue include:

  • Land-Based and Marine Firefighting; 
  • Rescue Services; 
  • Advanced Life Support Emergency Medical Response; 
  • Community Paramedic Follow Up; 
  • Community CPR / AED & First Aid Education; 
  • Community Fire Extinguisher Education and Training; 
  • Fire Prevention and Life Safety Education; 
  • Annual Fire Hydrant and Well Testing; 
  • Special Events and Fire Watch Staffing; 
  • Liaison w/ Monroe County Fire Prevention & Fire Marshall Division. 

Special Operations

The Special Operations Department focuses on the many additional member-driven services ORCA provides. These services include:

See Member Forms for more links and  information.

Meet the Team

Ariel Artime

Vice President/Director of Public Safety and Operations

Eddie Fernandez

Security Commander

John Flynn

Fire Chief

Devorn Harris

Special Operations Commander